How to make sims 4 run faster with custom content
How to make sims 4 run faster with custom content

how to make sims 4 run faster with custom content

So I would like to say there is a cure to your CC addiction, however, we all know the only cure is to not play Sims lol. It is so big that I will go make dinner or clean, while it is loading up! YIKES! The good news is once it loads up, it is totally fine! Why is CC so Addictive Yes, I speak for experience when I say I have been there! Overwhelmed by the large amounts of CC I am looking at… asking myself where do I start? Is my game going to load? To the point where on my ALL CC game save I start it up and WALK away. Do you download way too much CC? I will be the first to admit I totally do! I have multiple game saves with LOADS of CC (easily over 100GB) and of course, I want more! So how do I manage downloading too much CC? Well, take it from a pro CC hoarder… You have to keep things organized or your CC collection will get overwhelming!

How to make sims 4 run faster with custom content